Lauri Õunapuu


:: Tsiteeri ::
Teema: mitte küll muhe, aga sattusin lugema..

mõned lõiked:

"..The 9th of May is the day of the beginning of our war against the criminal Estonian government. Our purpose is to create the independent Russian state in territory of Estonia.."

"Our first group is already formed. Questions of arms and ammunitions are also solved"

"Also during this time in internet forums of Baltic sites some russians have frankly threatened to capture Estonia and Latvia. One of participants of a forum in the Latvian language has written: « And who has told that Latvia and Estonia belong to Latvians and Estonians? Who is stronger, that comes and takes away and all belongs to that"

"Мы будем наносить удары по всем системам связи, электрообеспечению, газоснабжению, и снабжению бензином, по железнодорожному сообщению, по авиаперевозкам, по водоснабжению крупнейших городов. Будут гореть дома и имущество тех, кто поставил себя выше русских, и не считает нас за людей."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lauri Õunapuu
+372 56155559
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
30.04.07, 17:19
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