Lauri Õunapuu


:: Quote ::
Subject: Torupill
Timo Wrote:
> For those, who don't know what is "Magyarorszag" -
> we call it "Ungari" here.
> And because OP was a bit shy, I'll pass his
> question to Lauri:
> I can say only:
> - Very scarce, but you SHOULD put some examples to
> our English forum and ask Lauri. He is quite an
> expert of "torupill". It means a "pipe instrument"
> in modern Estonian, but may be more likely derived
> of the name of our thunder deity Tooru, (who has
> counterparts both in Scandinavia - Thor; and
> Siberia - Toorum) The meaning of the word "toru"
> is probably originated from it's pipes.

I will not over-post too many texts, but there:
is maybe the best article in the internet one can find - by Igor Tõnurist. (about Igor - [] ).

The best players in my opinion now in Estonia are Juhan Suits and Catlin Jaago (greetings!) and the best -makers Ants and Andrus Taul. I have also torupill's made by Ants - very good instruments!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lauri Õunapuu
+372 56155559
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
October 28, 2009 03:11PM


:: Quote ::
Subject: Re: Torupill
European bagpipes.
Note that croatian section is superficial, so I doubt on thoroughness of other countries as well.

October 28, 2009 07:56PM
Lauri Õunapuu


:: Quote ::
Subject: Re: Torupill
also very good, little overview: []

and of course: []

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lauri Õunapuu
+372 56155559
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
October 28, 2009 08:09PM


:: Quote ::
Subject: Re: Torupill
alothough forgotten subject here is link of some traditional instruments and types of bagpipes


# Diplica
# Gajde
# Dude-uvod
# Dude četveroglasne
# Dude peteroglasne
# Gunge
# Diple bez mješine
# Diple, mih-uvod
# Hercegovački mih
# Mih s Pelješca
# Dalmatinski mih
# Mih s otoka
# Istarski mih
# Sopile
# Roženice
# Šurle
# Banijske svirale
# Jedinke
# Dvojnice
# Sluškinja
# Trojka
# Četvorka
# Strančica
# Trstenice
# Rogovi
January 08, 2011 05:35PM
Dengo Jürgen

:: Quote ::
Subject: Re: Torupill
Hungarians themselves have an interesting culture of torupill, called duda in Hungarian. I have some recordings from the Pista Bácsi from kétbodony . Currently some 94 year old Hungarian musician, he gave us a lecture of hungarian instruments with examples. I shall pass it to ERA once and for all.

Mies piab ikke työd tegema!
November 25, 2011 12:23AM
Timo Kalmu

:: Quote ::
Subject: Re: Torupill

Kuusalu 1935:
Läheme suured sõudemaie,
vägevad väitemaie,
tooma tooresta kalada
jõulu suuriksa pühiksa.
Sealt me saame hülgesida,
maost saab torupillisida.
Mihkel teeb siis pillisida,
Päärel sätib näpulauda.
sätib esimikkusida.
Siis hakkab pillida puhuma,
Rootsi roogu seademaie.
Millas sinna merele mendaneksi?
Hobusella vaiharilla,
vene'ella vetta mööda.
Noored sõudevad, aerud nutkuvad,
vanad sõudevad, pää vabiseb,
raudtullid see ragisevad,
kivistullid see kidise.
Pärast lähme sõideldes sõdaje,
pääda vääneldes vägeje!
Panen torupilli turja pääle,
siis lähen sõideldes sõdaje,
pääda vääneldes vägeje.
Pärast tulen sõideldes sõjasta,
pääd aga vääneldes vägesta.
Siis tulen ise ukse ette,
isa koera kallitele,
isa ragi raksatele.
Isa tuleb välja vaatemaie,
ema tuleb välja vaatemaie.
Oma mees, oma hobune,
oma kootud kuub on seljas,
oma säätud särk on seljas,
omad kindad käessa,
oma kiri kinnastessa.
Torupilli tegemisest ja sõjas käimisest laulis Viinistus Liisa Lutermann, üles kirjutas Viinistu algkooli õpilane Meeta Eikholm.
Foto Liisa Lutermannist tegi Rudolf Põldmäe 1936. aastal.
May 07, 2018 11:38PM
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